Houston Workplace Injuries

Houston Workplace Injury

Have you been injured on the job? Then contact a Houston personal injury lawyer who specializes in on the job injuries who can provide you with excellent legal advice and guidance as to what you should do to maximize the value of your claim.

Each year thousands of workers suffer fatal injuries while working for their employers, and millions of workers are injured or become ill on the job because of their work environment.  Many of these individuals have no idea how to handle their claim and what their claim is worth. You must have a professional on your side because that’s the only way to know your seeking maximum compensation for your injuries from all responsible parties.

Missed work leads to missed rent payments. The doctor bills begin to pile up.  The financial losses are almost as immediate as the physical injuries to your bodies.  If you were injured on the job, you need an advocate, who understands the system and can get you the maximum money possible for your injuries. Your employer will not tell you all avenues of compensation. They simply want to get you back to work. 

Bryant Fitts is an experienced injury trial lawyer, who understands the various tricks that the worker’s compensation and employers try to pull on injured employees. His office understands how to locate all avenues of financial compensation for your on the job injuries.

Many people think that if their injury is job-related, then the only course of action is to file a workers compensation claim through the workers compensation system.  In some circumstances, this is true, but in others, it’s not. Employers often try to “hide the ball” when their employees have other avenues of compensation other than Worker’s Compensation.

You must contact a lawyer that understands what is covered under Worker’s Compensation and what could be covered under other types of insurance or other avenues of recovery for your injuries.

The Fitts Law Firm will work hard to investigate and evaluate your claim to make sure you receive maximum compensation from every responsible party and insurance policy if there’s one available.

What is Workers Compensation in Texas

Worker’s Compensation is a system for compensating injured employees who are injured at work. The system is designed to promote employment and is favorable to the employers. It is a “no-fault” system where all injuries that occur at work unless they are a result of horse play or fighting, should be covered under the system. Because it is a “no-fault” system, the benefits are not as strong as they should be.  Keep in mind that not all employers subscriber to workers compensation in Texas. If you are injured and your employer does not subscriber to workers compensation in Texas, then you might have a stronger claim for more compensation.  If fact, about 28% of Texas employers are not workers compensation subscribers.

What benefits is an injured worked entitled to in Texas?

  • You have the right to receive medical treatment and payments for loss of income if you were injured on the job, regardless of who caused the injury. In the event of a death, your beneficiaries are entitled to death benefits and burial expenses.
  • Your medical care will be provided so long it is medically necessary to the injury received, and it is related to the injury you receive while working. You were also entitled for reimbursement for your medical travel expenses, going to and from the doctor.
  • You are entitled to income benefits to receive some income while you are recovering from your injuries that occurred at work.
  • Depending on your circumstances, you were typically allowed to pick the doctor that you want to treat you. In the event, they will not allow you to pick your doctor, we recommend you contact a lawyer immediately.

What must an employee do to be eligible for workers compensation benefits?

  • You must report your workplace injury within 30 days of you, knowing that the injury or illness occurred at work or might be work related.
  • You have one year from the date of your injury to send in form DWC041 to the DWC. Make sure this form has been submitted even if you are treating.
  • You must keep your address and phone number updated with your employer and the DWC.


If you have been injured on the job, call our experienced law firm today for assistance as to how to move forward with your claim and make sure you are getting the best treatment and compensation possible. Call Today 1-800-99-FITTS.

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