Houston Dog Bite Lawyer

Dog bites are no laughing matter. If a dog has bitten you or someone in your family, it’s crucial to find an experienced attorney who will go the extra mile and fight for the compensation that covers any lasting injuries from this traumatic experience – whether physical scars such as those on the face, soreness, or chronic pain down the road. Get the compensation you deserve with a trustworthy Houston-based dog bite lawyer today!

Have you been injured in an unfortunate dog attack? Texas law is strong against pet owners who fail to protect the public. The Fitts Law Firm understands how difficult these situations can be and stands ready to help anyone affected by a dog bite get justice. It’s important to get compensated for these injuries by working with the right attorney in Houston who will do whatever it takes to ensure fair restitution is provided quickly. We’ll provide a free and no-obligation consultation so that you can learn what our experienced team could do for YOU on this journey toward justice.

We Know How to Win a Texas Dog Bite Lawsuit

Our knowledgeable attorneys understand the complexities of Texas law surrounding personal injury lawsuits due to dog bites and other injuries. In Texas, an owner is responsible for all using a negligence standard when animals cause injuries.

If the dog is known to be vicious, we are committed to fighting on our client’s behalf, using the one-bite rule outlined in Marshall v. Ranne. When an owner knows their dog is dangerous, we fight for strict liability compensation for victims. With years of experience under our belt, our attorneys have had great success in getting justice for victims throughout Texas. If you have been injured due to a dog attack or bite, contact us today to find out how we can work together to seek the compensation and the best medical care you are entitled to receive.

Filing a Texas dog bite claim can be intimidating and complex, but with the help of our experienced attorneys, we can ensure your case is handled with care. First, our team must establish the facts that prove that either the owner negligently failed to assume reasonable control, that their negligent act caused the bite, and that you suffered damages as a result of the incident or knew the dog had acted aggressively or bit someone in the past. With decades of experience handling dog bite cases, we continually provide top-tier legal assistance ensuring you get the justice and compensation you are entitled to.

To do this, we will obtain witness accounts of the attack and review any available records or proof of aggressive behavior in the dog. Our legal team is also well-versed in assessing whether proper fencing or restraining measures were in place before the incident and confirming details about who owned the animal. By collecting this essential information and creating an unrivaled plan of action, we can help you maximize your compensation after a serious dog bite.

Criminal Charges in Texas Dog Bite Cases

It is important to understand the laws surrounding a dog’s ownership and any potential risks associated with them. For example, according to the Texas Health and Safety Code Section 822.005, if an owner fails to secure their dog and it attacks someone unprovoked away from the owner’s property, they could face criminal charges as well as civil liability. This applies if the owner has prior knowledge that their dog is a “dangerous dog” but still allows it to attack someone else unprovoked at a location outside of a secure enclosure where the dog is restrained. If this were to occur and cause serious bodily injury or death, the owner would be charged with a felony. Being aware of such laws can help owners avoid any potential danger for themselves or those around them that their animal may cause.

Suffering a dog bite can be an incredibly traumatic experience, and legal action may need to be taken to recover. Our team of experienced attorneys are available 24/7 when you or your child has been affected by such an incident, as we strive tirelessly for justice on behalf of our clients – both civilly and criminally. Don’t hesitate! Get the help you deserve today!

Typical Damages In Dog Bite Lawsuits

If you are the victim of a dog attack, our team of dog bite attorneys is here to help. Our experience has taught us that these attacks cause physical pain and injury, emotional distress, and psychological issues. In a successful lawsuit, we will seek fair compensation to cover your economic and noneconomic damages. Your economic damages include any medical bills or expenses related to the consequences of the attack, such as needed rehabilitation or reconstructive surgery in case of especially vicious bites. The noneconomic damages cannot be always e calculated in monetary value but have a profound effect on your life – and your potential recovery.  These include factors like loss of income, pain, and suffering in the past and future, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

In the unfortunate event of death, Texas law provides extensive compensation for funeral costs as part of economic damages. Furthermore, punitive damages may also be awarded in rare cases depending on the severity and circumstances surrounding an accident or injury.

What about insurance when and Dog Bites?

Did you know that millions of people are bitten by dogs each year? Unsurprisingly, this results in many insurance claims and sometimes lawsuits being filed related to dog bites. Homeowners’ or renters’ insurance plays a vital role in these cases – in fact, industry stats have shown up to one-third of all homeowner liability claims stem from injuries caused due to dog bites.

If you’ve been injured, the good news is that there may be funds available to help compensate for your injury. However, negotiating with insurance companies can quickly become a complex situation- and if not done correctly, could leave you owing more than what was initially promised or intended. Insurance firms are looking out for their own financial gain – so it’s important to remember they always strive to pay as little as possible when settling cases like yours. Don’t go through this challenging process alone!

Having an experienced attorney on your team is essential to advocating for yourself against intimidating insurers. An attorney who knows how to handle negotiations has experience navigating complex legal systems and can take a case forward when needed. This will help ensure that you get what’s in your best interests. That’s where the expert team at Fitts Law Firm can help.

Type of Dog Bite Injuries

Every year, almost 5 million Americans are left suffering from the effects of a dog bite. Over 800,000 dog bit victims seek medical attention, and children make up more than half that number. However, of all age groups, kids between five and nine years old have the greatest risk – with hundreds of thousands needing emergency care for their injuries each year.

Dog bites can have lasting repercussions, regardless of the age or size of those affected. But when dogs injure children, their small stature often leads to more serious and extensive facial injuries requiring multiple corrective procedures such as skin grafts, reconstructive surgery, dermabrasion, microsurgery, and more. Unfortunately, these traumas have left physical and mental scars, making it vital for victims to seek medical assistance if injury occurs due to a dog bite.

Although not all dog bites require hospitalization, the possibility of serious injuries such as open lacerations, skin infections, and even broken bones should never be overlooked. In some cases, these wounds can lead to a lengthy treatment period, underscoring how vital it is that victims receive prompt medical attention after a canine has bitten them.

Expert Dog Bite Attorney in Houston

You don’t have to face a dog bite situation alone. The Fitts Law Firm stands with you, defending your rights with razor-sharp legal expertise and determination. With our passion for justice and wealth of experience in the courts, we provide unbeatable advocacy that seeks optimal results every time – no matter who’s involved!

Dog bites don’t just hurt for a moment. They can continue to cause pain and require expensive medical treatments for months or even years. If you’ve been the victim of such an attack, let us help – call now for your free consultation!

Call Today 1-800-99-FITTS.

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